It’s a sad day, but it’s also a busy day! Campers had their final music lessons today, where they went over and practiced their songs. It’s amazing how many campers went into the week with zero experience with their instrument, and now they have an entire song written and are preparing to perform it!

It’s a good thing that the yoga workshop is today, because a lot of campers are feeling stress about the impending showcase. The campers did stretches, took deep breaths, and took a moment to diffuse and relax.

And what is the last day of camp without the famous practice performance? Half the camp performed to each other while the other half rehearsed in their last band practice, then they switched places. The bands got a taste of an audience by showing their fellow campers what they’ve been working on all week and getting a nice taste of all the cheers and support. It’s just a sneak peek for what’s to come at the showcase on Saturday at The Met- why not come and show?

Girls Rock is all about positivity, and we want to go out with a whole lot of that. So, all the campers taped a piece of paper to their backs and wrote on each other’s papers compliments and praise and overall positive feedback! At the end of the activity, everyone looked at their papers and read all the nice comments. It’s a great spurt of confidence right before going onstage.
Make sure to come see these rock stars on Saturday at the Met; they worked hard and deserve a boatload of support!
Read Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4! Thanks to the GRR! 2019 VITs (Volunteers-In-Training) for their hard work on this blog all week long!