Session one of Girls Rock Camp 2019 is officially in motion! This blog will fill parents, (and the whole community!), in on the day-to-day activities that go on during the busy hours of camp, run by the Girls Rock Camp VITs (Volunteers-In-Training).

The day opened with the campers “banding” together with their new bandmates and heading straight for lessons and their first workshop: songwriting. Phoenix and Emily ran the workshop where the campers got together, went over the parts of a song, and got into groups to create a snippet of a song.

While half of the camp went over the art of songwriting, the other half attended their first music lessons- then they switched. The young musicians got into the basics of their instruments of choice, which they will build upon throughout the week.

Band practice is a favorite time for many campers, where they collaborate with each other and begin writing their masterpieces. Keep your eyes peeled for band names and pics very soon!
Don’t forget to come to the showcase Saturday, June 20th at The Met to see these awesome rockstars perform!