Things began to come together in a big way today.
At this point, even Rock Paper Scissors has become a team activity.
Today’s lunchtime performance was by the Hemlocks (volunteer vocal instructor Jacqui), with volunteer drum instructor Ashley filling in on drums, who learned the set during downtime over the course of the week. Truly in the spirit of rock camp!
It was pedal day in bass and guitar lessons: distortion, delay, chorus, and beyond.
This afternoon’s workshop on gender and media representation got campers thinking about how they want to represent themselves.
The conversation led nicely into band photo sessions, captured thoughtfully by volunteer Cat Laine.
And in band practice, as songs were polished, some bands talked through stage moves and pre-song banter.
All of this energy will be on display tomorrow night 6pm at Aurora. It’s open to the public, immensely entertaining, and magically inspiring. more on that