Midweek at our HS edition of Girls Rock Camp has brought lots of colors and diversity. What do we mean? We mean a video screening about women in hip hop and our annual screen-printing workshop – just to name two elements. Why so much variety and why so many options? Campers who attend Girls Rock Camp through Girls Rock! RI come from different communities and backgrounds, have different interests and preferences, and have different ways they connect to music. Today was a great example:

  • If we are analyzing hip hop, do we look at what’s out now or do we delve into the classics? Both views were expressed today, plus much more!
  • When learning a new instrument, is it better to learn notes and chords or better to use recorded music as a starting point? Different instructor, different approach, but what we know from both campers and volunteers – all angles work.
  • What kinds of designs should be chosen for a tee-shirt? Should it be one color? Two colors? Three? At #girlsrockcamp, there’s no need to wait for a designer’s take. As we saw today campers design their own, and they all look amazing!

Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the union, but if you know anything about the Ocean State, then you know urban meets suburban, rural areas aren’t that far from the sea, and those with Irish ancestry could be sitting alongside someone with Cape Verdean or Colombian roots! Enjoy the diversity for yourself by scrolling through the photos below, or by making sure you find us through social media, at @girlsrockri for additional glimpses – plus details about the Saturday Showcase, where you can see and hear the variety for yourself.