Bands have formed.

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Songs are taking shape.

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This is really going to happen.

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No musical experience is required to particpate in camp, and there are group lessons each day.

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Anti-bullying intervention workshop before afternoon band practice:

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Group exercises and role-playing.
“A bully walks proudly, and talks with pride.”
“They talk loudly so everyone can hear so they get attention.”

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The shout out wall is always open and ready to receive positive affirmations.

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Band practice with the Danger Zone.

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Soul Goddess rehearsing.

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Two of the Rockin’ Robots about to write some more lyrics.

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Lyrical Vintage.

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Afternoon practice for the Cherry Blossoms.

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The Faceless Kneesocks, deep into lyric-writing.

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Explosive Notez starting afternoon practice.

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Sunnyside Up rocks.

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posted in a band practice room:

Ground Rules of Rock!
1. Listen to each other
2. Respect each other
3. Respect the instruments

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more photos from day two