This year, Girls Rock! RI has twice the camp.

summer 8594


The first of two sessions began today, this one dedicated to campers aged eleven to thirteen.

summer 8595


Ten new bands formed today:

Rockin’ Robots
Explosive Notez
The Danger Zone
Cherry Blossoms
Sunnyside Up
Soul Goddess
Lyrical Vintage
Fourmal Females
Faceless Kneesocks
…and a five-piece to be named later

summer 8596


A peek at a band name brainstorm:

summer 8597


After bands were formed, they went straight into band practice, making their first sounds under the guidance of a band coach.

summer 8598

summer 8599

summer 8600


Beyond the two Girls Rock! RI staff members, all of the adults are trained, unpaid volunteers.

summer 8602

summer 8601



During the discussion of ground rules, it was firmly established: never apologize for rocking.

summer 8606


There is a tradition of bands coming to camp to perform and lead conversation with campers. It’s a nice change of pace for a touring band like Heathers, who were in town from Montreal.

summer 8604

summer 8605


The morning workshop was on songwriting basics; this afternoon, History of Women who Rock.

summer 8603


Somewhere in there, they also had instrument lessons. This is the sound of eleven girls getting loud.


more photos from day one